What is the Aquarium Contest?

Opening an aquarium can be alot of fun, and alot of hard work. You have to feed your
fish and clean your tank, so make sure you have the time needed to take care of them.

A saltwater tank will cost you 50 Power Credits, and will cost 10 PCs afterwards to upgrade the
size of your tank.

A freshwater tank will cost you 500 Kangabucks, with 100 kbs to upgrade size.

After opening your tank, you should place fish and decorations in it. Buy fish and decorations from players or Nessie's Fancy Fish.
You need to have pearls to buy from the store.

After you have fully decorated and stocked your tank, keep it well taken care of. Every Week, an aquarium is chosen as
the winner. It is a random selection, so being a poor player does not give you a disadvantage.

Written by Ebil_Lightbulb