Dark Guardian

Dark Guardian

Deep in the heart of the Northern Woods lies a dark and mysterious cave. The Dark Guardian is an old man who lives near Barkchem in North New Barkston. The cave and the Dark Guardian will offer you a challenge. If you bring him the 2-3 items that he asks for, as well as the correct answer from your Petpedias, he'll give you an Evolutions Puzzle Piece. Certain quests required the use of Petpedias and Healthpedias. You will need to have the specific pedia requested on each quest, in your bookshelf. There is no time limit to this quest. The items he asks for are books and toys, and you can find the Dark Guardian every 6 hours. There is no penalty for not bringing the items back, however, if you give him the items along with the wrong answer to his question, he'll keep the items, but give you only a piece of firewood in return. Collect all 12 pieces to the puzzle and go for a ride on the Riksja.


~Dark Guardian~

Once you've started the Dark Guardian's quest, you will need to collect the items he wishes. Once collected you return them to him and answer his question he has for you. Answer him correctly and you will recieve a random Evolutions Puzzle Piece.


What do I do with an Evolutions Puzzle Piece?


You go to Site Map > East New Barkston > Riksja Driver > And once you have collected all 12 Evolutions Puzzle pieces, you can load bring the map to him and recieve a random Evolutions Egg!


Written by: EveIsConfused

What does this quest give me?

  • Evolution Puzzle Piece 1
  • Evolution Puzzle Piece 2
  • Evolution Puzzle Piece 3
  • Evolution Puzzle Piece 4
  • Evolution Puzzle Piece 5
  • Evolution Puzzle Piece 6
  • Evolution Puzzle Piece 7
  • Evolution Puzzle Piece 8
  • Evolution Puzzle Piece 9
  • Evolution Puzzle Piece 10
  • Evolution Puzzle Piece 11
  • Evolution Puzzle Piece 12