Job Agency

Job Agency

You can get Job Agency Power Cards from Padam's Shack (North New Barkston), the Fortune Cookie Machine (East New Barkston), Kyla's Perch (Xiang Chung-Shi), Sharkfather (Quest), PF city dumpster (if you own land and after 5 days of dumping), in random event and you can trade items for one in the Pawn Shop (Xiang Chung-Shi).

Once you have a job agency card, take it to the Job Agency in East New Barkston. Do a job there and earn some PowerBucks for your efforts.



Once you've started the Job Agency quest, you will either need to have a Regular Job card of Gold job card. Once you've chosen one of them, you will need to bring the following items back to gekkie and if not, you will fail that job. And after you've finished you will recieve some pbs and a special item in return. And if you complete 300 jobs, you can obtain the Sapphire Stone!


Written By: EveIsConfused